I'm normally a do-it-yourselfer but I'm actually TOO BUSY to host another birthday extravaganza. Steve's younger daughter turns 16 on Sunday, and she just told us the other day that she's not planning on going out with her friends or boyfriend. Huh?
That means she's expecting us to put something together. (could it be she expects the same bonanza that her dad got for his 50th??hmmmm??) But, since I'm working several days straight, right up to her birthday, I went ahead and made arrangements with a local night club to do something for me. It's a very nice, upscale place called Martini Bay, and it is on the water next to the London Bridge. The view at night with all the lights is amazing. In fact, I'll see if I have a picture...
Anyway, they have a very posh meeting room that has a huge banquet table, aweseome chairs, and classy decor--it's called the Decadence Room. They're reserving the room for our party, and the chef is baking some sort of triple chocolate birthday cake. The party guests will get to order off the menu, which is typically expensive but if you add up everything I would've spent to have a nice party, it's a bargain.