Friday, January 25, 2008

Just Pile it On

My boss excitedly called me this morning after I'd gotten a whole three hours of sleep, to tell me that I'm even busier. It was not well received.

1. I didn't sleep because I sat up most of the night worrying about stuff that needs to be done. I worked on the computer from 10 to midnight, just to get a head start on Friday's junk.

2. I'm hugely busy right now because we are in full swing with the American Cancer Society stuff as well as the event planning for my job, and also the fundraiser for this guy I know who is running for Superior Court Justice. I just signed on to help him and his wife have a couple of political fundraisers.

3. My boss and I have been at odds with each other over our current projects and just how much effort it actually takes for everything to get done.

So he called me to let me know "we've" been hired to put on a Spring Break event, right in the heart of all the spring break activities. It's going to be one of those Motocross/skateboard freestyle things that cost a ton of money. Oh yes, and don't forget the concert. Gotta get a concert put together.
Logistics is something that gives me anxiety attacks. It keeps me up at night. It makes my head hurt more than usual. An event like this is HUGE logistics.

He seemed a bit miffed when I didn't respond too excitedly to all this great news of his. Well, he has no idea how much pressure he put on me. The people who are paying for this event are very shrewd business men who could CRUSH us if they are not happy. And they are good friends with my boyfriend. I don't want them holding anything against my boyfriend because this Spring Break deal went the wrong way.

Lucky for me, I've got some contacts with some people who might help make this event turn out pretty cool. I've got Billy Bob Thornton's manager's info, and if I booked him for the concert it could actually be bitchin. And I also have the info for booking Tony Hawk, who puts on a big freestyle jamboree type event quite regularly.
Just waiting to hear back from them, to see if they can help me.

I took the time to sit and talk with an old friend last week, when I saw him outside of Starbucks. It was a smart move; his son works for West Coast Choppers, as the General Manager. Not familiar with that company? It's Jessie James and Sandra Bullock. So now I've got this guy's business card, and I think I might pitch to him the idea of coming to Havasu for my truck show that I'm having in April. We're going to have custom bikes on display as a part of the show. My boss keeps yelling at me that we're going to lose money on the truck show; I keep telling him that if we find something that will attract tons of spectators, we can make a lot of money on the admission charges. This could be the ticket.

So there it is. Just Pile It ON.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fuckin' Heath

Out of all the Hollywood people, why did it have to be Heath? He was one of the
few I could actually tolerate.
In fact, he was downright hot. After I found out he had died, I immediately said, "OMG, I have to call my girlfriends. Oh wait. I don't have girlfriends...."
He was one of my son's favorites, playing the lead role in "A Knight's Tale." And I sooooo looked forward to the psychotic Joker he played in the next Batman. Dammit! Now that's gonna make the movie creepy. Like when Brandan Lee died before "The Crow" came out. Well, technically he died MAKING that one....

So, what do you say when someone lets you down? Fuckin' Heath.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Movie Review Time

Since Brandy provided some helpful reviews, I thought I'd share some of my own:
But I must warn you, I love stupid movies.....

1. Hot Rod. (on DVD) It's a movie about a twenty-something year old who is out to prove he's more than just a goof ball out doing stupid stunts.
I loved this so much, because it reminded me of the dumb things we'd do on the
neighbor kid's little crappy moped.(junior high) I swear, some parts of it we laughed so hard it hurt!
I'm saving right now for my own crappy moped.

2. No Country For Old Men. We had great expectations because this movie came very highly recommended. It topped Stephen King's "Best Movies of 2007" list!!!
However, we live our lives with the belief that the bad guys do not win in the end. That's not how things go in this movie. And we're not artsy enough to understand the whole double meaning stuff that Tommy Lee Jones inserted in there. So, I can't recommend this one.

3. I Am Legend. Well, I AM SO SICK OF APOCOLYPTIC MOVIES!!!!! ENOUGH!!! Let's pick a different way for life on Earth to cease, shall we?

4. Because I Said So. (DVD) I had heard this was not a great movie, but I watched it anyway. It was not a great movie. It actually made Diane Keaton look pretty bad, like a bit too self-centered. Thumbs down.

5. Nurse Teana. (DVD) This was a porn we watched, about the staff at a hospital all having sex with each other. Not bad. Pretty decent camera work, although the script was weak.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cheer Up,8599,1704887,00.html?cnn=yes

I found this extremely interesting, because I was just thinking today about how good things are around here. Somehow I've managed to keep my head above water and stay fairly positive (someone asked me the other day; "Are you ever DOWN?") And here's why....

1. People are sad because of their sub-prime mortgage. Well duh, you don't buy a house when it's a seller's market and you don't sign onto a mortgage that's bound to double in the amount due after a short period of time. don't cash out the equity from your existing mortgage just to spend it on items that will LOSE value. Like our neighbors, who all bought expensive boats, sand toys, and garbage.

2. People are sad because of their Christmas debt. Here's a shocker; don't spend so much at Christmas!! Have the balls to tell your family and friends that you're over Christmas and would like to get back to the whole "meaning" of the holiday which is spending time with loved ones....... duh....

3. People are sad because of the weather. We've had some awful winter storms, socking everyone in and it's a huge contributer to the saddened mental state of Americans.
Move. Not much of a dilemma there. Our weather has been in the 60's during the day, and the 30's at night. Not so sad.

4. People are sad because of their failed New Years resolutions. Well, if
it's such a problem, don't make resolutions that are too difficult to stick to!

Sounds like most of the "woes" of the U.S. are problems caused by bad decisions. I don't mean to be callous, but, HELLO.