Friday, June 13, 2008

Those who CAN, do...

And the rest of us read their books and watch their movies.

I remember my dad signing me up for guitar lessons when I was four or five years old, only to be told that my hands were too small and that I needed to come back in a few years. Well of course that didn't happen. We moved and moved and moved and who knows how I would've been able to keep up with guitar lessons with all those different addresses.

But I've always been interested in the guitar. I love watching people play, listening to their different techniques--and whenever I have a fundraiser I like to include the local teens who want to get up on stage with their guitars and entertain. That shit's entertaining to me.
So Eric Clapton came out with his autobiography and I HAD to have it. Right away. Like, I couldn't wait for Amazon to mail it, I needed it RIGHT THEN AND THERE.
Steve found it at a book store and got it for me. I kept it in my bag for several months, carrying it around waiting for a quiet moment to read it. That moment didn't come until about 4 months after Steve bought it! I just finished it, and WOW what an awesome book. You don't have to be a guitar enthusiast to appreciate it, it's just a great story. He's had an amazing life. After reading it, you feel like you need to go out and find Eric Clapton, to tell him it was a great book.

I immediately began another book, it's supposed to be a political sattire. SUPPOSED to be really funny. We'll see.

Shay and I watched the new Rambo movie, on DVD, and we were quite disturbed by the amount of blood and carnage. It was definitely the best Rambo movie--but man is it bloody. On the flip side, it was a good opportunity to show Shay that things are good in the U.S. Things are quite bad most other places. It's better to just stay home.

I'm watching The Amityville Horror right now and I'm starting to get concerned about the wardrobe. Margot Kidder is the wife, and she's wearing rediculous outfits like a school girl uniform. And in one scene she had curly pigtails. I'm concerned because this is exactly how I dress. If Margot Kidder looks rediculous, then I must, too. See?

Oh well.