Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's Hot

Hot Havasu 001 

This week it has been over 80 degrees each day, which is an interesting departure for January. 


It's not usually this warm, but we'll take it. 

So with the weather being nice I looked forward to my week, working at the different outdoor events.  The golf tournament began on Tuesday, but Round 1 was out of town in nearby Laughlin, Nevada.  It's an hour away.  Its weather couldn't have been more different. 

The wind howled at 25 to 30 miles per hour, and the temperature was probably 50 degrees at the most.  We weren't prepared for it, because we had been sweating at home.  So we didn't bring jackets.  We wore light wind breakers.  We didn't bring gloves, we had numb fingers.  We found ourselves chapped to the CORE!!!Hot Havasu 004

That's a photo of me, and believe me I am cold.  COLD!!!  I was on the film crew, documenting everyone's attempts at a hole in one tournament.

See how pink my face is?????

Round 2 was today, back home in wonderfully warm Havasu.  I dressed warmly just in case.  Hot Havasu 007

What a gorgeous day, though.  And it was a very nice golf course.  It's called The Refuge, and Arnold Palmer designed it.  Really neat.

Hot Havasu 010

I wore my red hat, to celebrate our new Governor's inauguration today.  I was invited, but I didn't have time to drive all the way to Phoenix for it. 

I am trying out a new way to publish blogs, and after I am done with this posting we'll see if I'm happy with it.  We'll see......