Saturday, October 17, 2009

Parade Nonsense

It seems I've been in the parade every year for the past ten years. My family has never seen me in it, because they don't come. But I always find old friends along the parade route and say "Hi!"
Today my parade entry was to promote the upcoming farmer's market that I'm working on. And since the band backed out, I couldn't talk anyone into helping me on parade day, and I knew I really really REALLY needed to get out there and promote the market, I did it.
And it turned out pretty nice...

I had antiques, flowers, ivey vines, paper flowers, flags, a quilt, and of course pumpkins. All with the ton of hay bales. I wore the biggest cowboy hat I could find, and waved my rake and flag down the street.

My neighborhood (during parade staging) was one that seemed a bit circus-like. There were the Agave Queens, next door:

And the harem behind me:

I think that's Heather on the inside of the tent. Giving me some gang signs.

She posed with me before we took off:

She also walked up the street with me to see the creepy camels:

What a huge parade. It began at 10:00, my float was towards the back so I didn't get moving until 11:40, and we were done with the parade route at 12:30.
