Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sunset Flight

Steve recently rebuilt the engine in his Cessna, and since its completion over the weekend he's had Cessna Fever. We flew for two hours on Sunday, he flew for a little on Monday, then texted me on Tuesday asking if I wanted to go.
We took off about an hour before sunset, and explored the desert east of Havasu.

That's Cap'n Steve, who's a lot like Cap'n Crunch, but younger.

Almost immediately the sky began turning colors, as the sun began to make its descent. The photo above is from the plane, facing east.

But then we landed on a dirt strip out in the desert so I could get some photos of the sky to the west:

And it kept getting prettier...

We lifted off from the dirt strip to head towards the lake...

And it was getting darker by the minute! Here's the city as all the lights were slowly coming on.

Can you see the London Bridge? It's down there.

The shoreline, getting darker...

This picture, I cannot believe it turned out. There's a tiny bit of reflection from the glass in the plane, but a very nice view for the most part....

We landed and pulled the plane into the hangar. Right next to the Cobra and the lear. Looks a little out of place.