Thursday, May 20, 2010

Nice Break from All the Garbage

So, today I was bitten in the face by a dog....I was campaigning at the owner's house and her dog bit me in all the excitement.
I also managed to accidentally burn myself with the iron--the WHOLE iron got my arm. Now my arm looks like a red iron.

Well, and then there was all the reverberating personal drama, stacked on top of the Republican Women's drama and other stuff. Nice.

I can't stand to be this miserable, and I know my son doesn't like to see me this way. I gotta do that "happy brave face" when I'm with him. So tonight we took a break from everything and joined the Lake Havasu Astronomy Club for one of their outings.

They put the BIIIIIG telescopes out at the junior high field, focus them on different objects in the sky, and invite the public to come down and take a look.

Here's a page from their website, to show you just how big these telescopes are....

Glen Mishkin was our most talkative host, and I think he boasted the largest telescope. We had a little fun with the camera phones, getting photos of the moon Glen had in his scope.

Of course we talked politics. That was a subject that was just too easy to get started on.

It was a nice departure from the misery.