Friday, December 17, 2010

Foggy Friday

We really don't get variances in our weather here too often, so the arrival of sprinkling rain yesterday and fog today was cause for celebration.

I got out of bed at 6am, and as I was looking out of the kitchen window waiting for my espresso machine to warm up, I saw the fog creeping up from the lake.

How exciting!!

As I was waiting for the car to get warmed up, I used my flash on the camera so you could see the fog swirling around me. It was like a ghost or something.

This is the view from the side of the house.  There's a wash there with trees but you can't see much with the fog.  FOG!!

This is looking down toward the lake on Daytona Avenue.

I made it down to the lake after I dropped Shay at school, (and by the way he was truly excited about the fog, which is phenomenal--you can't get a 13 year old boy excited about weather occurrences too easily)
normally there's mountains out there--they're all covered up.

This is the sun attempting to show itself, I'm standing near Body Beach.