Wednesday, January 26, 2011

SCORE Race in Laughlin, Nevada

On my birthday, I worked in Nevada at an off road race. The annual SCORE Desert Challenge. One thing I notice about Laughlin, Nevada; they invest tons of money and resources to welcome this race every year. Just like Mexico does. They realize the economic impact--like the thousands of people who come from out of town and rent hotel rooms, eat in restaurants, buy fuel.....and they don't take this for granted.'s always a good show.

This car belongs to John Langley, who is the creator and producer of the show COPS. Sometimes he brings a film crew along to document his participation in the off road races. We finally had a conversation with his film crew last year--and it turns out it's the same crew that tapes the show COPS. Now, that's funny to me!

The orange vehicle belongs to Robby Gordon, and he's out on the roof trying to put out a small fire...

The first ever wedding to take place at the SCORE Start/Finish line...

This car seems to be missing something...

At the end of racing on Sunday, we had a spectacular sunset!

We celebrated my birthday with lobster. LOBSTER!! I have never been treated to a lobster dinner for my birthday before. I guess that's pretty cool. (and pretty sad at the same time, huh?)