Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Shawna, Where Do You Stand On....
Politics is absolutely positively a dangerous hobby and it's conducted in shark infested waters. I love it, though. It's a challenge to remain involved and NOT get your head chopped off, so I suppose that's my motivation. A challenge. But I do believe if the wrong people are out there blabbering their crazy talk about important things, then we normal folks need to get out and counter that.
Conspiracy theories. I'm so tired of them. I've said more than a couple of times, "I wish the whole Area 51 thing would become prominent with these conspiracy theorists once again so they'll leave our politics alone. This is how they work: if it's on the internet, then it must be true. Never would they get in their car, go talk in person to someone who knows the truth. Never would they do something as logical as that.
They send out inflammatory emails. They post garbage on social networks. They never get the real story, just the one that feeds their scandal starved brain.
Next week the Lake Havasu Republican Women are hosting the Arizona State Schools Superintendent of Public Instruction, John Huppenthal. The conspiracy theorists are telling people that Huppenthal received a bribe from CHINA of all places, and this bribe was a part of his whole plan to enact a Federal learning curriculum that will inevitably indoctrinate our children. Proof? No proof. But it was on the internet, so it's true.
Mr. Huppenthal will be talking about the curriculum in question, and presenting the facts at our meeting.
One interesting note; the curriculum is already a done deal, and has already been implemented into our public schools. The only "Common Core" portion being used by our schools is the math and reading standards. All the other subjects were rejected. Any questionable materials being utilized in Lake Havasu was actually chosen by our local school board. Our local school board was questioned about their choices and they of course blamed it on "Common Core."
Meanwhile, we have these so called activists running around giving speeches about how our perfectly dedicated and upstanding school superintendent is enforcing a tenet of the Obama administration because China gave him a bribe.
Get real! Join the rest of us in the REAL WORLD!!!!