You know when you go to a bar you encounter lots of people who are there with their own agenda. Usually it's the guys, and usually their agenda is to pick up on chicks. Chicks, dude, chicks.
Yesterday I attended the Beer Fest at the park, and it was kinda neat because everyone had the same agenda; drink beer.
Here's how it works: you pay an admission fee, they issue you a little mug. I guess it's 5 or 8 ounces, something like that.
You visit the different booths set up by breweries and restaurants. They pour your drink.
You would think the little mug would be an annoyance, but the majority of the beers were so strong we had to just sip. Some were good, some not so good. One of the beer vendors had a brew so bad we spit it out and poured our little mugs out on the ground. It tasted like Mr. Clean. Ew.
So, without a camera I had to photograph with my phone.
Now, where else would you meet someone who has the Gettysburg Address and Abe Lincoln tattooed on their arm?