Going full steam ahead for several weeks has caught up with my bones. And my muscles. And my brain. I started to feel it yesterday, about noon.
I don't have the flu, I don't have a cold, I just feel like I over did it.
Each weekday is "go go go go go" where I just keep pushing and keep going, skipping lunch if I have to, in order to get a certain number of things accomplished.
There is no time out, I have to do this stuff because if I don't there are consquences. There's bills to pay, homework to do, WORK (ug, like, a job you know), errands, housework, laundry, dinner, meetings, phone calls, typing (oh man I'm typing right now!), reading, projects, maintenance, thinking, solving,......and on and on and on.
I don't even want to make the few phone calls that I need to do today. That would require focus and also the ability to make nice, normal words come out of my mouth. The people that I deal with on a daily basis just can't be spoken to; they're people who NEED me to see things their way. And talk their way. So then I become an embattled business person, a struggling artist, a Type A personality, a lazy social butterfly, a hippie, a yuppie, a Democrat, a Republican, an Independant, a ditch digger, a fund raiser, a salesman, a saint, a sinner, a server, or counselor.
Normally this isn't a big deal, but I have a broken brain today.