It's been getting nicer and nicer, with the high on Friday being no more than 99 degrees. I know that doesn't sound that great but it's a treat compared to 175 degrees.
Then yesterday, Saturday, the high was somewhere around 70 degrees. Woohoo!
We traveled to California to pick up a little airplane (called a Smith Mini) and a big old huge bar that Steve's boss will be using in the restaurant he's building here in Havasu.
The plane will be hung from the ceiling, like this one that's over in Mike's hangar in Long Beach:
On the way home, we took the route through Palm Springs, where there's a large wind farm.
Each of the blades on those windmills is longer than a semi truck and trailer, and the motor housing, where the blades are attached takes up an entire semi trailer. We've seen them going down the interstate, presumably from the manufacturer to the wind farm for installation. What a monster.