Nine foot ladder? Check. Sawzall? Check. Welding gloves? Check. Loppers? Check. Rake? Check. Big truck and 30 foot trailer? Check and check...
So here I am, getting ready to climb the big ladder.
And here I am, up a tree with a very sharp electric saw:
And here's a picture of the trailer after several hours of cutting and loading:
After I arrived at the dump, I was moved enough to take a photo of the huge metal pile:
I backed the trailer into the "Green Waste" area of the dump, and hopped out with my trusty welding gloves to begin unloading.
Then, "What's this? The last person who borrowed the trailer messed up the tailgate? So I can't actually unload all this stuff?????"
Yeah. Mitch the Bitch borrowed the trailer, bent up the tailgate, said nothing to no one and certainly didn't fix it, and I had to unload 600 pounds of tree limbs without putting down the tailgate. And yes, I have the receipt from the scale. It was 600 pounds. Once again, Mitch the Bitch has found a way for me to be waaaaay less impressed with him!
It took about an hour to unload, when normally it takes about 15 minutes.
Once I got back home, I soaked my sore hands and changed out the overalls so I could go run errands. All the while gritting my teeth, muttering "Mitch the Bitch."
Thanks so much, Mitch.