While we were on our California Adventure (is that theme park still open???) we noticed a LOT of bikers passing us on the freeway. In Arizona they're highways. In California, we call them freeways.
Anyhooo.. these were not normal bikers. They had incredibly sweet rides, very custom for the most part and we were quite intrigued. Couldn't take our eyes off them. They passed us in groups of about 50, and we lost count after the first couple hundred.
We approached our destination, Santa Ana, and we kidded that maybe all these bikers were going to Steve's boss's restaurant, called Original Mike's.
Then we got downtown, and saw 700 bikes parked at Original Mike's. I guess we were right!
They were there for a fundraiser. This little girl had a medical problem and the bikers were raising money for her treatment. But, it was quite a show for us. We walked around to check out the bikes, and the people. We're so used to our bubble we live in, that it was a real treat to gawk at different people. I did manage to take a picture of one guy who looked like he could play the typical biker in most television shows. Notice the photo is kinda blurry, because I was hurriedly snapping it while he wasn't looking my way:
Everyone was nice to us, I expected to be treated rudely I guess. Maybe it helped that we were walking around with the joint's owner. And he's like a big white Sasquatch...
Who also has a following of very eager cops....
But I certainly need to include some photos of the bikes.
We went to Robert Escalante's shop where Steve's boss has some of his collector cars stored. He also had a couple of his motorcycles there. Steve had to try out the newest V-8 bike;
Wow. What a monster bike!
And then of course I spotted this very classy signage:
Very funny.