Tuesday, February 3, 2009

McCain and Stuff

Someone who you know....and who I know really well....has been invited to a very private meeting with Mr. John McCain in two weeks.
He is beginning his campaign to be re-elected Senator for Arizona, and he is meeting
with the grassroots campaigners who are out in the rural areas of the state.

Just so we're on the same page, I am a grassroots campaigner in a rural area of Arizona.
It's a top secret meeting and I will be sure to post plenty of pictures of me and Senator McCain.

Then, the following week, we get to haul Sneaky Pete over to Santa Ana California for an appointment with The History Channel. They are interested in doing a little story about Ol' Pete.

Somehow, someway, I am going to get my face on The History Channel. I'll have to stick my head into the background or something.