Sunday, September 20, 2009

Blog Envy

I just finished reading the book "Julie and Julia," which of course many people know of as a movie but it started out as a blog. Then the blog became enormously successful and eventually there was a book deal. Then a movie deal.

If you're not familiar, then bear with me. Julie Powell was a secretary in New York City, and she was terribly unhappy with the direction life was taking her. She hated being called a secretary (I can definitely understand that one) and she was disappointed that she was nearly 30 years old and hadn't accomplished anything that could be considered amazing.
So she accidentally came up with the "Project." Her husband suggested that she chronicle her Project on a blog, which she did. And the rest is history.

And it gives me a raging case of blog envy.

Here's a link to her blog:

In two weeks I meet the Pioneer Woman at her book signing, and I'm sure I'll be looking at her with the starry eyes of an admirer who knows she's on the brink just like Julie was while she was writing her blog. How exciting!!!!!