Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pioneer Woman

It takes a lot of dedication and talent to have a website like Pioneer Woman's. She has the blog portion, the cooking portion, the home-schooling portion, the photography portion....and on and on and on. And she has a ranch to run on top of all that.
She is a beautiful, articulate mom of FOUR who went from city life to a very remote ranch with miles and miles of horses and cows and bulls.
And her recipes are simple yet gorgeous creations that you don't need a huge budget and enormous amount of skill to execute.
I adore her.
She got Bloggie of the Year.
She just wrote her own cook book.
I pre-ordered it on Amazon. It made me negative in my checking account. Oops.

Well then she posted a schedule of her book tour. Holy crap a book tour!
She will be three hours away from me in October. And guess what. I'm going. I'M GOING!!!!!!

Will I play it cool, like, "Whatever, Okie, I like your book but whatever...."

Or will I be truthful and just gush over her at the book store?

Maybe I'll show her my moon walk.