But then the plans and the opportunities kept changing, so I had to do this thing called "improvising."
I had a six hour drive to make, and a deadline for mailing about 100 packets to people in our county. It had to be printed, folded, stuffed, addressed, stamped, and sent THAT DAY so it would be post marked in time.
But I couldn't make the six hour drive with Steve, he had to leave early in order to get the semi truck parked in a decent place. I had to wait until the printing for the mailing was done, and also I had yet another dentist appointment to get to.
Aha...solution. Shay gets bored on those long drives. So he found himself folding, stuffing, addressing, and stamping all those packets:
Years from now, Shay will be running for Mayor and he can tell his potential voters that he has been involved in the political process since he was 12 years old. And he can show them that picture as proof.
The mailing went out on time, we eventually made it to our destination, and we managed to have some fun as well! Pictures to follow, of course.