I went to college so I wouldn't be outside working events all the time, but when it came down to it I found that I'm much more at home doing the stuff outdoors.
Here's my office:
Okay, that's a little dramatic. My office actually looks like this:
But then sometimes the office is this:
Looks great, but these past two weeks I'm learning about the downside of working outdoors.
The Thursday Market was rained on two weeks in a row, and I was out in it both times. With the rain there was also wind; lots of cold, cold wind. Couple that with all the extra stuff I'm doing these days, and you get bronchitis. Yuck.
I resigned myself to the couch so I could get better. Then the t.v. broke!!
Thankfully, Steve saw the gravity of the situation. He went to Costco, and I was soon able to view very important documentaries such as the following:
So, one more day on the couch (I think Ghost Adventures might be on) and I'll be hitting the streets. Then you'll hear about my own adventures, of knocking on doors!