Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Countdown to Brett

This weekend I have a series of meetings in Phoenix, ending on Saturday afternoon. Lucky me, I found Brett Michaels concert tickets for $18 at the State Fair.
Yes, I know, he's an 80's has been. And yes, I know, it's the State Fair.
I think it is a nice opportunity. I really am happy that the majority of the bands I loved in my youth are now very accessible, and I can spare a little time to head over and watch them.
Queensryche plays on Halloween, and I've assembled a posse of heavy metal fans to drive down to Mesa, Arizona to watch them. I think the cover charge is $10 or something. This concert is particularly exciting to me because it's the 20th anniversary of Queensryche's best CD, Operation Mindcrime. There's a full-on stage show that goes with the music, and it tells a story.

Of course, I will provide photos...