Friday, December 17, 2010

My Year

I was just talking to someone about how we all like to end each year with a recap--whether it be with a lengthy letter in our Christmas cards or just looking over old photos with friends or family.  The news channels do their own version of this by showing all the major disasters, catastrophies, and tragedies.

I will do neither.  I will just keep hoping that next year is a little nicer.  Okay, a lot nicer.  Not just for me, but for many people.  I'm so sad to hear friends open up and admit that they're sad/anxious/stressed/angry/scared.
I want all these heavy hearts to be carefree and fun loving again.  I want the evil people responsible for this misery to die a terribly strange death.  Really.  Those bumper stickers from a while ago, "Mean People Suck," I agree with that completely. 

I'm ready for 2011.