Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Senator Pearce

Saturday was a fundraiser for our local Republican Party. I, along with a couple hundred people, attended and helped beg for donations.

But our keynote speaker was the big draw: Senator Russell Pearce. He was the author of Proposition 200 a few years ago, which is a law voted in by citizens of Arizona requiring people to produce proper I.D. when they are voting in elections.
Oh and he wrote a little thing called SB 1070.

I met him upon his arrival, but didn't get a photo because I'm tired of the same old same old stiff poses that we tend to do. You know, like THIS:

So I opted for the more amusing STALKER look to my photo with Senator Pearce:

He was signing autographs. THAT'S how much people in these parts like the whole SB1070 thing.