Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I'm bored, and sitting with the laptop in front of the t.v. Reading blogs while watching some reality show on Mtv, about jealous couples. One thing the couples all share; they're trying to stay together after SOMEONE cheated. Surprisingly it was the guy. Okay that was sarcasm.
So this show chronicles these couples making each other miserable, calling constantly on the cell phone, "Where you at? Are you out with another girl?"
Playing games and being suspicious. Oh god just give up and break it off!!

Most of the blogs I've read were bizarre, written like it's a business venture or something. Sheesh. I was hoping to read other blogs written like journals (like what we do) but mostly I found people who seem to specialize in one field or another and they're boasting about that on their blog. And more than once I found a blog that was dormant, with the last entry being, 'Visit me on my webpage'