We went camping in Glamis this weekend, using Steve's boss's semi truck for our motorhome. It's a $100,000 rig with an actual motorhome for a sleeper. His boss doesn't use it, so Steve asked to rent it for $150 a day. Way better than taking Steve's ancient motorhome that breaks every time we drive it somewhere.
Last time we took the motorhome, the three hour drive to the dunes turned into six hours because of break-downs and problems. With the semi truck, we have the huge trailer to transport as much as we want without having to stack quads, rearrange stuff, and struggle to get it all to fit.
Buying a nice rig like that would hardly be justifiable, considering we never make it to Glamis more than once a year. So the sand toys just sit in the garage. Steve's got quads for both his daughters, he gave a quad to Shay for Christmas (a used one, thank GAWD) and then there are two spare quads, just in case I guess.
Steve has a red four seater sand car, and I ride with him in that.
Here's the five of us posing for a pic:
It's fun to watch the other campers out there, doing wheelies on their bikes and in their sand cars--showing off how much they're capable of. There's huge hills, with names like China Wall, Oldsmobile, and Competition where everyone kinda congregates to watch the loonies. I'm always amazed when I see a tiny little kid go by on a miniature quad behind his family thru the sand dunes--that takes a lot of skill and guts!
Then there's an area known as the Sand Drags, where people drag race each other on a quarter mile stretch of sand. I got some pretty good pictures of that: