Monday, April 5, 2010

Another Sunset Flight

Steve has been itching to take out the little Cessna. But the heat and the wind have been preventing that. Since it's a little plane, it gets bounced around by the heat. It gets pushed around by the wind.

We had a nice evening on Saturday, so we went out for a while:

We landed down river at an RV park. They have a dirt strip nearby.

Then we swooped around in the mountains, marveling at the greenery from our recent rains.

It was nice to be landing, because I really needed to eat. We went to Waldo's but for some reason everyone else in town was at Waldo's for dinner! So we tried Picazzo's over at the mall. Yummmm!!!

Brandi was our hostess. She hooked us up with the breath mints and tooth picks.