I had relocated him to a bush across the street, and periodically I have seen him hopping around over there. "Yay! I'm still alive!"
But now that it's hot and the green bushes across Delta Drive have withered to a very un-tasty brown, little bunny has been snacking on my ferns on the front porch. So I put a dog bowl full of water out there for him as well.
He comes over during the hottest part of the day and has himself a nice, shady, cool lunch.
He hasn't grown much over the months, I guess he must be the runt of his family.
But he has cojones. Oh yes, he is a brave little bunny.
Kitty sits in the kitchen window, just floored that this little guy would have the guts to come over to his front porch. And brazenly nibble on ferns.
They lock eyes, and I can tell the cat is shocked. "Doesn't he know what I could do to him??" But he never ventures outside to confront the bunny. He knows where the air conditioning is.