The new job is actually suited for me, pretty well. I sell adspace on a website, and I sell yellow book ads along with that. The truly great commission money is with the yellow book ads, but the more fun stuff is the internet. It's funny that I enjoy the internet sales more, because I was hired the same time as this other girl, who used to sell time shares. She's like a sales-shark because she's got the voice, the attitude, the presence of a real sales person. Meanwhile, I'm more laid back and quiet.
I'm the only one who sold any ads last week. Don't know what happened with her, but I was kinda surprised to hear that my boss, the marketing manager, didn't sell anything either. I'm sure I'll have those weeks where I don't get contracts signed or anything....I'm just surprised that my first week on the job was better than I expected.
Seeing how I was doing a lot of scrambling around with the training and stuff, it felt like I was being run ragged. It was HOT outside, and it seemed like the only time I got out to do sales calls was the HOTTEST part of the day!! Sheesh.
The kitchen is sort of put back together, with the tile guys done now. We're waiting for the cabinet guy to get his part done, which won't be for another week.
Once the kitchen is done, we can have people over to celebrate.
I'm counting down the days to my trip to Minnesota!!! The Republican National Convention is Sept 1st, and I'm now getting regular updates from the RNC committee on emails. I was told by my co-delegate, our County Supervisor, that because we're the Arizona delegates we will be getting a little extra attention by the media. (because McCain is from Arizona....presumably) We're getting footage for one of the Arizona news channels, and when we get back we're being asked to write up stuff and appear in interviews. Cool! Anything for a little more attention... of course....