In front of their business at the airport.....
Which led to THIS:
From the neighboring business.
When the signage was laughed off, the neighboring business said, "Oh, don't worry, we've got something MORE up our sleeves."
And then a letter from the City arrived, saying the truck was a violation of City Code and had to be removed in 10 days.
So that led to THIS:
The blue golf cart looks just like the neighboring business's courtesy carts.
Steve and his boss waited till everyone was gone from the airport last night to use the crane for this little project.
It was fun to watch....
Then we went inside the restaurant (that's still not open)
to have some home-made carne asada, guacamole (oh yes, home-made as well) beans, jalapeno cheese bread, and some wonderful FLAN for dessert. I can't believe my flan turned out. It is soooo difficult to get it right. It's a custard dish, baked and then turned out onto a plate upside down for serving. People were all around as I flipped it out onto the plate. Thank GAWDS it worked....
Then we settled in for some Blazing Saddles on the big screens: