Saw the Easter Black Bear outside the Black Bear Diner on our way to the airport on Sunday. I think it's creepy.
But he THOUGHT he was the only one with the special ears. Sorry!!!!
I wore mine for our flight to Salome. It's a town in between here and Phoenix. Steve's friend has a ranch with a landing strip. A very SHORT landing strip that's flanked by barbed wire fencing. I just about peed myself on the approach. It was scary.
But here's what the strip looked like:
I was mesmerized by Steve's friend's yard, because he has a ton of landscaping and everything was in bloom! Here's a cactus bloom:
And my favorite flower in the whole wide world, a Gardenia:
The flight home was more than a little bumpy, as the wind had decided to gust up to 30 miles per hour. Sheesh. I had to concentrate on not being sick.
I kept my eyes closed for a good portion of the 25 minute flight, since I was getting dizzy. I opened them long enough to take a picture of the London Bridge.
Gee, that's where I'll be tomorrow for the Tea Party. I guess I better write my speech now.