Friday, April 17, 2009

My Cat Is An Illegal Alien

Kitty Meow Meow, or, KM sqared, has done a very bad job of laying low. I have figured him out. He's an illegal alien.

How do I know?

Well, he "appeared" out of nowhere 3 1/2 years ago, in the back yard. No I.D., begging for food, pretending to be a harmless cat.

But after several years, I've noticed that he flat out refuses to learn English, he doesn't work, and he depends on the charity of others (me) to provide food and medical treatment. He stays out all night, probably partying, and he sleeps most of the day. Oh and speaking of food, I think he's sending cat food back to his family in whatever country they're in because there's no possible way one cat is consuming that much. And just like the illegals we see everywhere else, Kitty Meow Meow has strange bathroom behaviors. I'll explain. In many portions of Mexico, there's not a sufficient sewer to handle a lot of toilet use. So when you use a toilet you're expected to throw your used toilet paper in a trashcan and only flush when you absolutely have to. When the illegals come here from Mexico, they assume the sewer situation is the same. And they leave behind "evidence," in the trash can. Kitty doesn't do that, exactly, but it's something similar.

I have decided that he needs to be legal, so I'm beginning the paperwork process. The easiest thing would be to find an American Citizen cat for him to marry, but I don't know any other cats. Hmmmm....