Friday, May 15, 2009

Old Photos

My brother requested that I scan some old pictures that I managed to salvage out of the garbage back in 1989, so ever since I have been going thru my photo albums and boxes to see what I could come up with.

I don't know who this is, but it's a funny photo, huh?

And this one is from a couple of years ago, when we were in Mexico for an off road race and I found out the Black Pearl from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies was anchored nearby. So I ran over and got some shots. Then I took a photo of the Pearl. Haaa....hahahahahahaa.......

Shay dressed as GI Joe for Halloween one year. I think he was 4 or 5 years old....

When I was 4 I had an obsession with Cookie Monster. He was hilarious, in my opinion. A comic genius. So all I wanted for my Birthday was a Cookie Monster. And that's all I got. BUT....this picture doesn't have me in it. Why? Because when my sister (we are calling her the Great Big Fat Person right now) cried and cried and cried so much when she saw that I got a Cookie Monster for my Birthday that my parents took it away from me and gave it to her. "oh, we'll get you another one from the store." And there were no more Cookie Monsters at the store. So here's Jaime enjoying my Birthday present.

Gee, ya wonder why I still don't talk to her?

Here's a photo of my son and his cousin Skylar, at a homestead near my mom's out in the desert. Yes, we have mountain lions. And yes, they kill people.

Whenever I see this photo, I think of Garth Brooks' song "The Dance." It's actually a picture that I remember having taken of me and my dad. I don't know why I preferred to hang out in the living room in my underwear.

Here is a natural progression of events. My brother is in this first picture, refusing to wear the motorcycle helmet that's been placed on his head. The second photo is an example of what happens when you don't wear a motorcycle helmet on your head. Go figure.

This last photo is from the Glamis sand dunes in California. We camp there occasionally. Steve would like to camp there every day of the winter, but that's just not humanly possible. At the end of the day, people gather in one area called the "Sand Drags" and they race their quads, sandrails, motorcycles, name it. As the sun set, I caught this photo...