Friday, May 1, 2009

Smack Down at the Airport

When Steve's boss flies into town, he likes to stick around the airport and look at all his stuff. Sometimes we go out to dinner, but that generally means getting home late, usually because there's no restaurant around here that can serve a decent meal in a short amount of time. So we have a grill at the hangar, and I bring food out there at dinner time. We cook it right out front, set up a table and chairs, and eat in front of the Cobra attack helicopter.
Shay was with me last night as I prepared the steak, potatoes, and cowboy beans. He brought his Razor scooter so he'd have something to do. Mike took a ride on his motorcycle while I cooked, and as he was leaving I photographed Shay and Mike having a little drag race:

Lining up for the start....

Giving the "snake eyes" for intimidation...

Racing action!

And of course a celebratory Budweiser: