Monday, July 13, 2009

Keeping an Eye on the Senate is a Library of Congress website that lists all active bills being introduced back in Washington. It is named after Thomas Jefferson, and it is an easy to read site that gives all the latest information. I learned about it today in my latest Right Wing Extremist meeting.
There's a bill named SB2099 that is an attempt at removing gun rights from law abiding gun owners.
Twenty years ago I would've been, "Aw who cares?" But now I'm seeing the increase in laws and restrictions that our government has been imposing--both local, state, and federal--and I'm not liking it.
Have you seen my license plate? I am truly a Scoff Law. I know laws are there for a reason, but when too many laws get put into place I pick and choose which ones I'm going to obey. Right now I'm breaking a few, as I sit here. I DO WHAT I WANT!!!

Check the website, if you hear of a bill that might be limiting your rights more than you're comfortable with, see if it's true, and let your lawmakers know how you feel.