Monday, October 26, 2009

Arizona Republican Women

Went to the Arizona Federation of Republican Women's convention this past weekend, and definitely had some ups and downs.

1. Meeting some new comrades, getting to see some old friends
2. Learning a little more about the political process
3. Our club won some nice awards!
4. Oh, the jewelry and buttons and stickers. Great shopping!!
5. Our governor, Jan Brewer, came to our luncheon and gave an entertaining speech.

1. The food sucked. See below.
2. The class that I attended was insulting. Really. If Shawna can say that something is beneath her, then it must be pretty bad.
3. The drive was over 5 hours. Actually it was over 6 hours. Sheesh.
4. John McCain was supposed to be there and he cancelled at the last minute.

So, here's the Tucson Hilton's idea of a $40 lunch. Seriously, I'm not exaggerating:

That's mashed potatoes in a cup and a bowl of tomato and basil soup. I added gobs of mushrooms to make it a little more exotic. And guess what the dessert was?
Those cookies, in the picture. Wow, $40 huh? I could've had the vegetarian chili as well but I don't trust other people's chili.

So. McCain. I was all set to grab him and get a few opinions from him. I wondered about his thoughts on certain political things. He had an appearance on Face the Nation or something and cancelled his appearance with us. So he called in and this nice lady held her cell phone up to the microphone so he could talk to us.

Not quite the same thing as having him in person. So he has scheduled a meeting with the Republican Party in my county, but guess what I can't go because I'm in class that day. Ug. What's a McCain stalker to do??

I took a photo with the other Republican Women Presidents from our County, we surrounded the incoming Arizona Federation President(Leona Johnston--whose claim to fame is being Sheriff Joe Arpaio's neighbor)

Here's our Governor, who is also a member of the Arizona Federation of Republican Women:

Her speech was actually pretty funny. She let her true personality come out.

Aaaah! The media was there!!

This is Ellen Albert, taking a photo during our "Caucus" on the hotel's patio.
What's a "Caucus?" We sit around and talk and eventually we vote on something that has to do with our district.

This is Sarah Markham, future President of the Lake Havasu Republican Women (as soon as she figures out how to pry the gavel from my cold dead hands.....haa haaa!)

This is by far the funniest campaign ad I have ever seen. Obviously this gal is a Rocket Scientist, and she's running for Congress. Holy cow it's funny:

I would give details about the educational seminar that I took during the convention, but you would be appauled and I would be embarassed. So I'll save it.