Saturday, March 6, 2010

Me. Cindy. Us. Together.

While in Phoenix this week for my training, I was invited to go to a John McCain event down in Tucson. Not an easy decision, because I've got lots of work to do at home and I'd planned on being home by 7pm on Friday. BUT.....they twisted my arm. Yeah right....

I knew Scott Brown, the Senator from Massachusettes would be there. This is Scott hurting me:

Actually he was autographing my shirt. Not my idea, but I thought it was a funny one. So I went along with it.

You might remember Scott Brown. He won in a very widely covered Senate race for the Massachusettes seat back in February.

But then, SHE appeared.

Oh yes, Cindy McCain, you will be MINE. What? OH, I mean, uh, MY FRIEND......

Yep. We're friends now. Tight. I'm sure she doesn't call me Shawna like everyone else. She's got a pet name for me that goes something like, "That very strange little red head from Mohave County," but that's how we are. We joke.

McCain gave a very uplifting speech, and spared the negative stuff for his radio ads. For those of you not in Arizona, McCain is running for re-election to his Senate seat. It's not another Presidential bid. Don't worry.

I was next to the McCains during their speeches at the podium, so I snapped a photo with my phone and texted it around. "Guess who's standing next to Cindy McCain......?"

Fun day. Learned some neat stuff. Saw a big time campaign in action. Cool!