Our first speaker was Eric Golub, a blogger and author who is tremendously funny:
And no, I couldn't get my "red eye removal" thing to work so he looks like he's more heated up than usual.
This is our keynote speaker of the evening, JD Hayworth. He's recently announced he's running against McCain for Arizona State Senate. Good luck with ALLLLL THAT....
This is me with camera man Jim Matthews. We've worked together on some stuff in the past and he had his big ol' t.v. camera covering this event. Apparently he thought it was a good time to whisper in my ear, rather than smile for my camera....
I'm glad I thought of this ahead of time; I knew there'd be no way to save my seat because I'd be running around like a headless chicken before the dinner started. So I made my own place card and put it on my seating of choice.
Here's something that only I think is funny; taking very unflattering photos of people when they least expect it. And then publishing it on the BLOG....
Poor Samantha. I've known her for several years and now she's a senior in high school. You would think she could trust me by now.
So, I managed to hear ahead of time that candidates would be allowed to put their signage up outside the venue. This was good, considering the INSIDE of the venue was not candidate-friendly. (this is not normal--in the past this event has been very candidate-friendly) I brought my 8 foot banner and put it up outside the entrance. And I was the ONLY candidate to do so....
Nice, huh? And that's my mom's 20 year old dress I'm wearing. It still smelled musty like the storage unit she's been keeping it in.