This is what 60 pages of names and addresses looks like. Not just any names, but those of registered voters in the Lake Havasu City limits. That's tough, because we have a lot of residents who live just outside the City. They're customers in Havasu's stores, they're patrons of the restaurants, they're friends of friends and they hang out in town. So I couldn't just get ANY signature. I had to work for it. So did my friends! We walked neighborhoods, we were sometimes treated a bit rudely, we braved the harsh winds and the burning sun...
And we did it. We got the remainder of my signatures today!
I got to work at 10am with a friend, and we gave ourselves the goal of 45 signatures. The 45th person to sign was at 11:35, and I looked at her with a little bit of emotion and said, "You just qualified me for the ballot. Thank you very much." Then I went to my car and fought back tears.
I can be a normal person now! I have one less thing to worry about!!!
I can't thank everyone enough. It was a lot of worrying--a lot of nights lying awake stressing--but now that part is done.