Saturday, July 3, 2010

Sadie Monster

I call her the Sadie Monster because she's a big loof that until recently couldn't calm down, no matter what. She's matured a lot in the past six months. I've been dog sitting her for a couple of years now, and I've put a lot of miles on my feet keeping her busy while her owners are away. Each summer they take a 14 day vacation so that means Sadie needs time out in the world, away from home. Otherwise she gets really, really lonely and bored. Like me!

Today the Sadie Monster's field trip was to the swimming pool, and she was relentless...




And shaking...

Then jumping some more...

Fetching some more...

Swimming some more...

And shaking some more...

She happily repeated this process for a couple of hours, until it was too hot to be running around outside.

Nap time!